
Twin Eagles Boy's Rite of Passage 2025


The 2025 Boy's Rite of Passage is an invitation only family based experience that involves the participation of all parents. All parents agree to the following elements:

  • Each parent will take part in the first parent meeting, either by joining the Zoom Meeting on March 3, 2025, or by watching the recording.
  • Parents will contact Tim Corcoran, our Boy's Rite of Passage Leader, directly to inform him of their interest.
  • Parents will register their son for the Rite of Passage on this web page. We need all registrations complete by March 24, 2025.
  • Parents agree to support Twin Eagles Staff to be the first individuals to share about the Boy's Rite of Passage with their sons, unless otherwise discussed. We will send a calling letter to each boy going through the Rite of Passage.
  • Parents agree to join a second parent meeting. The topic of this meting is supporting parents to consciously release their son as a boy, in order to make space for welcoming in their son as a young man. This meeting will not be recorded. We'll work with parents to schedule a meeting date and time that works for everyone.
  • Parents understand that Tim may be in personal communication with their sons prior to the actual Rite of Passage.
  • Parents agree to support their son by 1) writing down their family values and sharing this with Tim and 2) writing down his life journey thus far, and giving the letter to Tim prior to the Rite of Passage. This can be just one letter from both parents, or two letters including one letter from each parent. These letters will be delivered to the boys during the Rite of Passage.
  • Parents understand that a welcome letter will be sent out to the parents that overviews specific details of the Rite of Passage event.
  • Parents agree to bring their sons to the full Rite of Passage, happening:
    • Wednesday May 7 (6:00 pm Pacific) - Sunday May 11 (4:00 pm Pacific), 2025
  • Both parents agree to be present for the beginning of the Rite of Passage from 6:00 - 8:00 pm Pacific on the first day for a parent separation ceremony, as well as the end of the Rite of Passage from 1:30 - 4:00 pm Pacific on the final day for a parent reunification ceremony.
  • Parents understand that staff will host a Zoom Meeting for their sons after the Rite of Passage to support post event integration, as well as to prepare them for their Giveaways.
  • Parents agree to support their sons to host a Giveaway after the Rite of Passage, as the final element of the experience.

As you can see, this is a rich and layered experience that involved much more than just the five day Rite of Passage in person event. In order to have a successful experience, it is important that all parents understand and support the full process. Thank you!

Financial Exchange

As we mentioned on the first meeting, we see this not so much as a "program", but more as a community experience that we feel deeply called to facilitate. Our hope is for a fair exchange. That said, we're not willing to allow finances to get in the way of any family participating. We're offering the 2025 Boy's Rite of Passage at a sliding scale of $850 - $1050, with the actual cost being $950. If you need to pay less than $850, we are open to considering that, but we do require a clear financial agreement upon registration. Thank you.

We require a 50% payment upon registration, with the full balance being due Wednesday, April 16, 2025, two weeks prior to the main event.

To Sign Up

Before you sign up, please be sure to contact our Rite of Passage Leader Tim Corcoran directly to share your interest.

Registration is open for Twin Eagles Boy's Rite of Passage 2025. Register by clicking the button below.

Twin Eagles Boy's Rite of Passage 2025

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