Emerging Girls Program
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA
for girls ages 10 - 13

Adolescence can be a delicate, tender, tenuous, and exciting new life stage for girls. As they step into it they are in need of developing inner confidence, self-esteem, self-love, and compassion for their larger world. While it might be presumptuous to say that the caterpillar knows its exact form and appearance before coming out of the cocoon, it's unquestionable that it is necessary for it to sense that emergence from within. With that image in mind, the Twin Eagles Emerging Girls Program is born.
Every journey has a beginning. This program's journey begins with supporting girls ages 10 - 13 to feel safe, comfortable and confident in nature as well as learn respect for themselves, other girls and women and the environment in which they live. Our intentions are to help them in developing and trusting in healthy inter-personal relationships and inspire the exploration and curiosity of learning about themselves and their qualities within. We'll discover ourselves through nature and all nature offers us.
This is an opportunity for girls to foster bravery inside themselves, express their strengths through outdoor adventures and develop healthy assertiveness as they move through motivating and inspiring challenges, encountering their wild spirit within. We empower girls to discover and enrich a deep sense of themselves so they can truly see themselves and be seen, hear their own unique voice and be heard, and feel a held belonging in the woven basket of their experiences with other girls.
Emerging Girls is a powerful lever for increasing global awareness of girls throughout the world. It helps girls realize the interconnectedness and common journey that girls are on everywhere. We help actualize this through bringing personal stories, photos and expanded perspectives about girls in other programs that we are affiliated with around the world.
This is a lateral roots program and branches out from our taproot program, the Twin Eagles Mother Daughter Program. This program is designed to help integrate many aspects of girls that often don't have space or can't find their way into the modern world. Sometimes a girls just has to adapt and leave some parts of herself behind in order to fit into the modern world.
Knowing this, Emerging Girls makes a stand by offering your daughter the opportunity to make space for her struggles and inner tussle, her marvelous greatness, her genius in a natural way that gives her time and freedom to discover herself more fully. In doing so, new pathways are able to be made in the brain and body, and gradually, new attitudes, ideas, responses and ways of being are able to come alive in her over time.
If your daughter has participated in this program or other programs at Twin Eagles Wilderness School, returning to this program in a special role is a great way to continue deepening skills and personal growth. It's an important step towards building relationships and comfortably before going through the Twin Eagles Girls Rite of Passage. Returning girls will be given unique and tailored opportunities and challenges as well as the chance to step into leadership with other girls in the program.
Benefits and Curriculum in this program are one in the same. By engaging with the totality of the experience and the skills offered the benefits are there for your daughter at the same time. Activities may include:
- Encounter the common bond and sanctity of sisterhood
- Learn group weaving and felting projects to help shape inner unity
- Explore the biology of our emotional selves
- Connect with the intelligence and wisdom of our bodies
- Deepen a sense of oneself through Naturalist skills
- Practice centering exercises for tapping into the still point of our awareness
- Develop a broader awareness of the ways in which a girl changes as she grows
- Discover and develop one's own voice
- Gather and learn the skills and allies of plant medicine, health and self-care
- Engage in Group Counsel and learn skills for compassionate communication and peacemaking
- Unify mind, voice and body through improvisational theater
- Channel individual creativity through wild crafting and immersing in the fiber arts
- Practice discernment of intuition through exercises that will help your daughter in trusting herself
- Learn the art of natural camouflage and invisibility
- Build Inner and outer skills of navigation
- Experience dance, movement, yoga and the Expressive Arts as a path of feeling and knowing the body's wisdom
Your Guide
The Emerging Girls Program will be led by Jeannine Tidwell, co-Director and co-Founder of Twin Eagles Wilderness School. Jeannine has been mentoring girls and women for nearly 20 years including leading Girl's Rites of Passage. She is a mother, as well as a mentor and auntie to many girls and young women. We'll have an all women staff, including experienced instructors and assistants from Twin Eagles Wilderness School.
The Emerging Girls Program will be held at Scotia House Retreat Center in Newport, Washington. Scotia House is a beautiful, quaint retreat center situated on 60 acres, located about one hour west of Sandpoint, Idaho and one hour north of Spokane, Washington. Indoor activities will take place in the large lodge, while outdoor activities may be happening in the meadows and forests on site. Girls will have indoor lodging on comfortable beds inside the main lodge, enjoying a simple life close to nature.
Breakfasts are provided by Twin Eagles. Please bring two sack lunches, as well as potluck dinner dishes for Friday and Saturday.
Each family is responsible for all travel to and from Scotia House. Carpooling is encouraged, and we're happy to help coordinate by sharing contact information of interested families.
Group Size
To support a powerful experience, we're limiting registration to just fifteen girls.
The Emerging Girls Program begins at 5:00 pm on Friday and ends at 3:00 pm on Sunday. Please allow adequate time for a spacious arrival and departure.
We are offering this full weekend, Emerging Girls Program at $250 per girl. The cost is all-inclusive, covering all facilitation, materials, accommodations, and some meals. Scholarships are available for this program - click here for more information.
To Register
Registration for this Emerging Girls Program is not yet open.
If you have questions, Contact Us here.
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