Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion
Gap Year Programs
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs provide young adults a grand adventure to immerse themselves in the pristine wilderness of the great northwest. Wilderness survival, wildlife tracking, wild edible & medicinal plants, permaculture, bird language, and nature based mentoring become pathways to a transformational journey of deep connection with Earth, community, & self.
- George Bernard Shaw
Why Take a Gap Year?
First and foremost, a gap year is an opportunity to take a break from academics and discover who you are and why you're here. For millennia, young people have honored the transition into adulthood by heeding their innate call to adventure. A gap year is a modern day rite of passage that meets this archetypal need and develops resiliency, adaptability, self-confidence, and vision.
Gap year programs are an opportunity to gain real world experience before focusing in on another four or more years of college. They are a chance to broaden your perspective, practice independent living, and make new friends. When you return, you'll know who you are and have a clarity of vision for yourself that is rare in today's world. Graduates of gap year programs do better in college both academically and socially because they have taken the time to discover what is truly important in life.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs are uniquely designed to best bring out these benefits and more through:
Three Core Experiences
Deep Nature Connection
Transformational Self-Discovery
Tightly Knit Community
- Anna Anderson
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
We created Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs for young adults with a passion for nature, community, and self-discovery. Our programs are designed to help you transform from yearning for deep connection, to living a life of deep connection with the Earth, people, and yourself.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs are offered in seasonal 9 - 12 week options, or a full 9 month option. They are profound experiences of connecting deeply with nature, community, and self that cover eight core areas:
- Wilderness Survival & Primitive Skills
- Wildlife Tracking
- Wild Edible & Medicinal Plants
- Permaculture & Regenerative Design
- Nature Based Mentoring & Cultural Restoration
- Naturalist Training
- Bird Language & Awareness Training
- Inner Tracking - Know Thyself
Each program includes expeditions & intensives adding to the depth of the experience, opportunities to mentor youth in the journey of deep nature connection, as well as community based service learning experiences. Community housing supports the journey, as participants have a choice of living in a house, in a simple yurt, or directly on the Earth in a tipi.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
Lasting Results
When you come to Twin Eagles, you'll develop a deep, meaningful, and intimate relationship to nature. You'll experience the interconnectedness of holistic community, and the clarity of vision that comes from traversing your inner landscape.
The experience at Twin Eagles is life changing.
- You'll feel the true freedom and self-sufficiency that only comes from providing your own needs of shelter, water, fire, and food directly from the Earth through primitive wilderness survival skills.
- You'll feel tremendously alive in your body and senses, at one with the Earth, experiencing a highly perceptive state of sensory awareness and connection to your instincts through nature awareness practices like wildlife tracking and bird language.
- You'll feel at peace with the Earth to be able to live not just a sustainable life, but a regenerative life, giving back to nature as your needs get met with abundance through permaculture and regenerative design.
- You'll feel a deep sense of connection and belonging, living amongst a community of like minded individuals and families.
- You'll feel authentic self-confidence, being authentically praised by an interconnected community as you share your gifts through nature based mentoring, guiding others into this same powerful experience of connection.
- You'll feel a profound sense of meaning and vision in your life that can only come from discovering who you are and why you're here; from discovering your contribution to our world and from living your passions, your dreams, and your purpose.
- You'll be living life to the fullest, being the change you wish to see in this world, and honoring those that have come before us as you work to leave behind a true legacy for future generations.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs
Details at a glance
Location: Sandpoint, Idaho, USA, with field trips and expeditions throughout the Inland Northwest.
Ages: 17+
Group Size: Approximately 10 - 20 participants
Accommodations: Options include living in a house, in a simple yurt, or directly on the Earth in a tipi.
Autumn Gap Program
Late September - Mid December - 12 weeks
Winter Gap Program
Mid January - Mid March - 10 weeks
Spring Gap Program
Early April - Early June - 9 weeks
Nine Month Gap Year Program
Late September - Early June - 31 weeks
with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring breaks
Note: For more independent participants, all programs are available without room and board at a reduced fee.
Scholarships: Partial scholarships are available.
- Graham McLaren
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
Areas of Focus

Wilderness Survival & Primitive Skills
Learn to provide for your most basic physical needs of shelter, water, fire, and food directly from the natural world. Build and sleep in single person and group primitive survival shelters, long term shelters, and snow shelters. Learn to identify and purify diverse water sources in a variety of ecosystems. Train in a variety of primitive friction fire making methods. Experience the fundamentals of hunting and gathering, including the bow & arrow, primitive traps, and gathering wild edible plants for sustenance. Acquire primitive living skills like brain tanning buckskin, flint knapping stone tools, basketry, coal burned bowls, and more.

Wildlife Tracking
Learn the ancient art and science of wildlife tracking as a tool for exponentially expanding your awareness of the world around you. Gain both a broad and deep experience of tracking through clear print identification, sign tracking, substrate analysis, gait studies/trail patterns/interpreting behavior, strategic track aging methods, ecological assessment & big picture analysis, trailing animals, developing empathetic connection to animals via animal forms (imitating animal movement through your own body), and synthesizing all these methods into intuitive tracking ability. In the end you'll discover that the landscape is the greatest book ever written, with a constant stream of stories and mysteries just waiting to be unraveled.

Wild Edible & Medicinal Plants
Gather detailed knowledge of traditional plant use through experiencing herbal remedies and edible wild plants Discover the empowerment that awaits those who learn the power of nurturing plants. Learn a multitude of medicinal plant preparations including the practices of ethical and sacred harvesting, proper processing, preservation, and administration of tinctures, salves, poultices, compresses, infusions, syrups, liniments, decoctions, and more. Encounter the astonishing wealth of nutrition present in both local native and non-native wild edible plants, including roots, stalks, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.

Permaculture & Regenerative Design
Learn how to craft vibrant ecosystems that are bountiful and abundant for ourselves and future generations. Go beyond sustainability and create regenerative living systems rooted in deep nature connection and knowledge of place that foster healthy communities and continue to strengthen over time. Experience skills like soil building, growing fruits, vegetables & medicinal plants, composting, seed saving, water collection, grey water systems, natural building, watershed restoration & erosion control, site planning, and more. Ultimately, as you discover practical ways of living that are in balance with the flow of nature, the lines of separation between human settlements and the wilderness grow fainter as a greater oneness prevails.

Nature Based Mentoring & Cultural Restoration
Learn Twin Eagles' exceptional mentoring model that builds resilient connections amongst people, nature, and self. Practice one on one mentoring techniques designed to inspire students to experience the joy of discovery, as opposed to the mere quest for knowledge. You'll experience indigenous cultural practices that are desperately needed in our modern world today. Learn group mentoring techniques that maximize the potential for learning via setting up a nature based culture of education. Learn how to truly inspire hope and responsibility for the Earth via nature based mentoring. This is a powerful step towards becoming a competent nature based mentor, instructor, and community leader.

Naturalist Training
Experience the true breadth and depth of knowledge of place that was the foundation of our indigenous ancestors' ability to survive and thrive. Learn the natural history of hazards, mammals, plants, ecological indicators, trees, and birds of the Inland Northwest. Discover how having a comprehensive and holistic understanding of naturalist skills and knowledge of place actually stands as the groundwork for all other nature skills. For how can you be an expert survivalist without thorough knowledge of the trees? How can you develop regenerative living systems without in-depth understanding of natural systems? How can you master inner awareness without outer awareness?

Bird Language & Awareness Training
Discover the true secret of the natural world known to the native scouts of old that allows you to both detect movement and move undetected, at one with the land. You'll learn the "language" that every adult bird and animal knows; that the sounds and movements in nature all contain great meaning, and that meaning gives you great power. You'll learn skills that will dramatically increase your awareness and up close encounters with wildlife, as well as inner stillness and intuition. You'll discover that this alarm system of concentric rings utilized by elusive wild animals is also the key to learning how to blend and flow with the landscape.

Inner Tracking - Know Thyself
Discover how to change the world by changing yourself, and by truly knowing yourself. Learn a powerful set of inner awareness practices that unlocks your creative potential and frees you to craft the life you dream of. Learn how to navigate your inner landscape of shadow and light, and touch your true power. Find true self-confidence and inner security that travels with you throughout your life and all your endeavors. Take measurable steps towards claiming your passion and purpose. Learn how to listen to the wisdom of your heart and let it be your guide. Cultivate authentic leadership that is sourced from the indomitable spirit of nature. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
- Karen Pogorzelski
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
Expeditions and Intensives

Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs each contain expeditions and intensives that bring an unmatched depth and power to your journey through leadership training and extended wilderness immersion experiences.
Expeditions and intensives range from three to seven days in length. Whether it is a wolf tracking expedition, a wilderness survival challenge, an inner tracking intensive, or a winter snow cave expedition, our expeditions and intensives are essential elements to the journey that bring exploration, stories, song, challenge, laughter and adventure to all!
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
The Location - Pristine Sandpoint, Idaho, USA

Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs are based out of our beautiful campus just outside of Sandpoint, Idaho, USA. Sandpoint was named the nation's "Most Beautiful Small Town" by Rand McNally and USA Today, and for good reason.
It sits on the northern shore of magnificent Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho's largest lake at 43 miles long, and is nestled between the Selkirk and Cabinet mountain ranges which encompass millions of acres of national forest, native habitat of wolves, grizzlies, cougars, wolverines, and the last remaining caribou in the continental 48 states.
This is a land of spirit and of uncompromising natural beauty, home of the traditional territory of the Kalispell Tribe of Indians, a thriving arts community, the top rated Schweitzer ski resort, and a progressive small town community. It doesn't take long to learn why Sandpoint is known as the “hidden gem” of the northwest!
When it comes to selecting a gap year program, don't underestimate the importance of the location. Beyond just setting the context for your experiential journey, the location is something that you will make a visceral connection with, something that you will merge essences with throughout your experience. We chose the Inland Northwest because it is wild and off the beaten path, yet still within the United States.
The Inland Northwest contains some of the largest tracts of unspoiled wilderness in the continental US. It is rich with diversity and it includes a variety of unique ecological niches. Pristine wilderness is the norm here. Even Sandpoint is all about nature, full of progressive earthy folks and old back-to-the-land'ers. When you come to Twin Eagles, you'll truly be immersing in the wilderness.
- Edward Abbey
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
Participants in Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs live in community housing, sharing basic living skills and responsibilities. We offer three different living choices:
- Living in a home. You'll share a room with a roommate in a home here in our community. All the modern conveniences are included, and you'll have full access to a kitchen, bathroom, etc.
- Living in a simple yurt. Yurts are round structures that offer participants simpler living. Our yurts have electricity, but no running water. You'll share this smaller space with a yurt-mate and have access to a simple kitchen, outhouse, and a larger community space in a separate building.
- Living in a tipi Tipi living puts you in direct contact with the Earth. Our tipis have neither electricity nor running water, and you'll share a tipi with another participant. You will have access to a simple kitchen, outhouse, and a larger community space in a separate building.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
At Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs, we're proud to have an instructing team comprised of highly passionate and gifted instructors steeped in deep nature connection, the art of mentoring, and self-awareness. Our team is led by Twin Eagles Wilderness School directors and founders Tim Corcoran and Jeannine Tidwell, as well as Barry Moses from the Spokane Tribe of Indians. Lead instructors and apprentice instructors offer significant support throughout the journey. In addition, we have various staff specialists come in throughout the programs, focusing on areas such as wildlife tracking, wildlife tracking, and bird language.
Each member of our leadership team has over 15 years experience in the field, having been trained by renowned mentors themselves and then more importantly, made the teachings their own. We haven't just practiced and learned these skills, we've lived them. As a mentoring team, our approach is sourced from the natural world, giving us an uncommon strength, unity, and resiliency.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
The Community

At the Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs, you'll journey through the experience with an intimate group of ten to twenty peers that will probably feel more like family before the program's end.
This tightly knit convergence of passionate learners is supported by a greater inter generational community of families, students, graduates, staff, and elders all supporting the Twin Eagles vision.
Community isn't something on the sidelines; it's an essential part of the wilderness immersion gap year program experience, interwoven into your learning journey. It's a resilient, diverse ecosystem of mentoring that is synergistic in nature and adds an incomparable depth to your learning experience.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
Mentoring Philosophy
One of the keys to Twin Eagles' success is our unique expression of nature based mentoring. Traditional indigenous elders, modern brain research, and our own personal experience all agree that the best way to learn something is by doing it. Participants are mentored to form deep relationships with the natural world, others, and themselves. The cycles of the natural world form a blueprint for learning that guides this journey of connection.
At Twin Eagles deep nature connection mentoring is a way of life. At our wilderness immersion gap year programs, you can expect to be mentored by caring, rooted, knowledgeable, and skillful instructors who will meet you where you are at and artfully guide you forward on your journey of discovery. In the end, you'll own your accomplishments as your own. You'll feel the power and resiliency of your interconnected relationships to the greater web of life. The skills, practices, and mindset learned will last a lifetime.
When you come here, you'll have mentors who truly show up powerfully for you, holding space for you as you travel deep into connection with nature, community, and yourself. Mentors who really see you with compassion and understanding and also hold a high bar for you can become. Our role is to train you with new skills, and then present challenges for you to face. We help guide you to draw forth previously untapped potential within yourself to meet the challenges at hand. Through the process you'll develop a new, more powerful sense of self. We're here to guide and support you to emerge into your greatest potential.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
The Inner Journey
Having facilitated transformational, community based, deep nature connection programs over the last fifteen years, we've seen that the natural world is the original and ideal context for deep, authentic self-discovery. The best of indigenous and modern processes combine to support a powerful and deeply transformative experience of self-awareness. As mentors, we have taken this hero's/heroine's journey ourselves, "gone through the fire" so to speak, and we're here on the other side to guide you through.
It is one thing to teach a person new physical skills, but it takes experience and a very special quality of mentoring to guide you through the inner journey to claim your power and purpose. This is where our passion really shines. You'll make a palpable connection to your passion, power, and purpose, and experience greater self-confidence, intuition, and creative potential.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
Cultural Restoration and Knowledge of Place
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs are a part of a greater journey of deepening one's connection to a specific place and restoring earth based culture.
Throughout history, human societies have created communities based on a deep understanding of the natural environment of their traditional territories. Indeed, whole cultures have evolved in relationship with the land. Every plant, animal, mountain, forest, and river of a particular region contributes to the distinctive cultural heritage of the people who live among them, and after hundreds of generations, the specific "knowledge of place" becomes inseparable from the cultural identity of its people.
However, most Americans in the 21st century have largely lost touch with the cultural heritage of their forebears, and they no longer live in relationship with the environment. As a result, many people experience a sense of loss and a longing to find some deeper meaning to life.
Many feel a need to connect in meaningful ways and to form an intimate relationship with their place, their community, and their own sense of self. This is the journey of cultural restoration.
We at Twin Eagles hold that cultural restoration begins by deepening one's knowledge of place, and the more we build cultural practices that reflect the unique character of our environment, the stronger our communities will become. We're working towards a deeply intimate relationship with our place, with the people of our place, and with our own selves. This journey spans more than just a few months, a year, or a decade, or even a lifetime. This is a multi-generational journey. Our native elders have told us this. The work of cultural restoration is some of the most important work that needs to be done in the world today.
At Twin Eagles, we are honored and blessed to have been taught by many native teachers who have supported us in learning to live in relationship with the land. What they have offered has been priceless, and has fundamentally impacted us as an organization and as a community. Our relationships with native people are essential to our work of cultural restoration.
In particular, we are honored to receive the support of Barry Moses. Barry is a member of the Spokane Tribe of Indians, and he provides multi cultural training to a wide variety of community organizations, school groups, and institutions of higher learning. He has given his support towards our journey of cultural restoration, and is serving as a facilitator on the leadership team at Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs.
- Jesse Hoag
You're probably a great match for our gap year programs if:
- You have a passion for nature, community, and self-discovery.
- You're a young adult on a quest to find yourself, looking for clarity and direction on your path, asking the question, "Who am I really?"
- You are fit for challenges and adventures in both the outer and inner landscape.
- You value learning experientially, learning by doing.
- You respect indigenous wisdom.
- You want to discover ways to bring the wisdom of nature back into the modern experience.
- You are willing to challenge your fears.
- You want to discover and feel in your body how you fit in to the greater interconnected web of life.
- You are ready to wake up to a new level of consciousness, to discover a new possibility of what it is to be fully alive.
- You want to change the world.
- You get that that means changing yourself.
- You are seeking your purpose in life.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs:
Program Options
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion
Autumn 2015 Gap Year Program

Autumn in the Inland Northwest is the time of abundance, the harvest, and winter preparations. Red squirrels gather ponderosa pine cones, canada geese migrate south, and the quaking aspen leaves turn golden.
When you come to Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Autumn Gap Program, you'll develop a deep, meaningful, and intimate relationship to nature. You'll experience the interconnectedness of holistic community, and the clarity of vision that comes from traversing your inner landscape.
The Journey includes:
- Wilderness Skills:
- Bow Drill Fire Making
- Bird Language
- Stone Tools
- Flint Knapping Arrowheads
- Primitive Cordage Making
- Hand Drill Fire Making
- Primitive Traps & Snares
- Wildlife Tracking
- Learning Natural Hazards
- Sensory Immersion
- Nature Awareness Practices
- Awareness Games
- Mapping
- Aidless Navigation
- Lost-proofing
- Harvesting Wild Edible & Medicinal Plants
- Making Custom Knives & Sheathes
- Nature Based Mentoring:
- Sharing wilderness skills and your deep connection to nature with local youth at Twin Eagles' Youth Programs
- Service Learning Opportunities:
- Caretaking
- Forest Stewardship
- Natural Building
- Permaculture Gardening
- Expeditions & Intensives:
- The Art of Mentoring - an annual gathering of renewal where we rebuild an inter generational nature based village and steep in the culture of nature based mentoring.
- Wildlife Tracking Expedition at Moses Lake Sand Dunes - We'll travel west to one of the finest tracking environments as we track and trail coyote, mule deer, porcupine, mink, river otter, raccoon, beaver, muskrat, and great blue heron.
- Primitive Living Intensive - We'll leave all the modern comforts behind and challenge ourselves as a group to meet our basic needs with minimal supplies. Shelter, water, fire and food will all be procured primitively as a deep connection to Earth rises in our hearts.
- Two Inner Tracking Intensives - Our Autumn Gap Program will be book ended by two profoundly insightful experiences of traversing the inner landscape. We'll take the time to slow down and go deep within to harvest the life lessons learned throughout the autumn, and claim passion, power, and purpose.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Autumn Gap Program
September 23 - December 14, 2015 - 12 weeks - Includes a break week for Thanksgiving
- Full Option: $11,750 includes room and board
- Independent Option: $8,850 does not include room and board
- Essentials Option: $4,750 does not include room and board, only includes three days of training per week, plus full expeditions & intensives
Early Bird Discount: Save 10% by enrolling before February 28, 2015!

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- Alex Kiersky
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion
Winter 2016 Gap Year Program

Winter in the Inland Northwest is the time of snow, inner stillness, and powerful introspection. The landscape is blanketed in white, and the tracks of wildlife are everywhere.
Our Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Winter 2016 Gap Year Program leverages the natural opportunity that is present for young adults to authentically discover themselves through the power of deep nature connection and the interconnected reflection of community
The Journey includes:
- Wilderness Skills:
- Snow Tracking
- Wooden Bow Making
- Archery
- Primitive Pottery
- Rawhide Containers
- Bow Drill Fire Making
- Learning Natural Hazards
- Sensory Immersion
- Nature Awareness Practices
- Awareness Games
- Primitive Cordage Making
- Weaving
- Using the Whole Deer
- Willow Basketry
- Wild Edible & Medicinal Plants
- Tanning Deer Skins into Buck Skins
- Nature Based Mentoring:
- Sharing wilderness skills and your deep connection to nature with local youth at Twin Eagles' Youth Programs
- Service Learning Opportunities:
- Forest Stewardship
- Natural Building
- Caretaking
- Expeditions & Intensives:
- Snow Cave Expedition - We'll travel high into the spectacular Selkirk Mountains to connect with the essence of winter to build and sleep in snow caves
- Nature Based Mentoring Intensive - We'll dive deep into the world of using nature as our guide to facilitate people into powerfully connecting to the Earth, others, and themselves. Includes teachings on leadership, cultural mentoring, and the art of questioning.
- Wolf Tracking Expedition - We'll travel together to pristine tracking habitat to learn from the masters of the wilderness themselves, the gray wolves. This has consistently been a favorite expedition at Twin Eagles.
- Inner Tracking Intensive - Our Winter Gap Program will be wrapped up by a powerful time of introspection as we look deep within and integrate the teachings of our time together. You'll hone in on your passion, power, and purpose as the winter draws to a close.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Winter Gap Program
January 12 - March 14, 2016 - 10 weeks
- Full Option: $9,750 includes room and board
- Independent Option: $7,450 does not include room and board
- Essentials Option: $4,050 does not include room and board, only includes three days of training per week, plus full expeditions & intensives
Early Bird Discount: Save 10% by enrolling before February 28, 2015!

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- Brian Taylor
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion
Spring 2016 Gap Year Program

Spring in the Inland Northwest is the time of new beginnings, inspiration, and unlimited potential. Wildflowers push forth from the ground, songbirds return, and young fawns emerge into the world.
When you come to Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Spring Gap Program, you'll root deeply to the natural world. You'll experience the interdependence of community living, and catch a spark of inspiration that will transform into a passion for life sourced from deep within.
The Journey includes:
- Wilderness Skills:
- Wild Edible & Medicinal Plants
- Foraging Wild Edible Mushrooms
- Bow Drill Fire Making
- Learning Natural Hazards
- Sensory Immersion
- Nature Awareness Practices
- Awareness Games
- Primitive Pottery
- Spring Ecology
- Reading the Landscape
- Wildlife Tracking
- Building Natural Shelters
- Bird Language
- Nature Based Mentoring:
- Sharing wilderness skills and your deep connection to nature with local youth at Twin Eagles' Youth Programs
- Service Learning Opportunities:
- Permaculture Gardening
- Caretaking
- Forest Stewardship
- Natural Building
- Expeditions & Intensives:
- Permaculture Intensive - We'll dive deep into the world of regenerative design as we work to meet our basic living needs in ways that honor and give back to the Earth.
- Bird Language Intensive - We'll enter into the subtle and secretive world of animal communication as we learn the language of the forest that gives access to up close animal encounters, and a deep sense of belonging with nature.
- Scout Intensive - We'll train as the legendary native scouts of old did, in the traditions of the Apaches like Geronimo. Teachings of natural camouflage and concentric rings will show us how to move invisibility on the landscape.
- Wilderness Survival Quest - Put your wilderness survival training to the test as you build and sleep in group survival shelters, gather and cook your own wild edible foods, procure clean water, and make fire primitively.
- Inner Tracking Intensive - Our Spring Gap Program will come to a close with plenty of time to slow down and journey within. Wisdom will be gleaned from the program's totality, and you'll touch the heart of the experience through connecting with passion, power, and purpose.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Spring Gap Program
April 12 - June 11, 2016 - 9 weeks
- Full Option: $8,750 includes room and board
- Independent Option: $6,750 does not include room and board
- Essentials Option: $3,750 does not include room and board, only includes three days of training per week, plus full expeditions & intensives
Early Bird Discount: Save 10% by enrolling before February 28, 2015!

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- Josh Walters
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion
Nine Month Long 2015-2016 Gap Year Program

Experiencing the full turn of three seasons in the Inland Northwest is an experience like no other.
The Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Nine Month Long Gap Year Program is the ultimate experience of deep nature connection, transformational self-discovery, and tightly knit community. It includes all the components of our autumn, winter, and spring programs, that combine into a profoundly life changing experience of connection.
Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Nine Month Long Gap Year Program
September 23, 2015 - June 11, 2016 - 31 weeks Includes Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and Spring break
- Full Option: $29,750 includes room and board
- Independent Option: $21,450 does not include room and board
- Essentials Option: $10,450 does not include room and board, only includes three days of training per week, plus full expeditions & intensives
Early Bird Discount: Save 10% by enrolling before February 28, 2015!

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- Goethe
Twin Eagles Summer Programs
We also offer week long summer camps for teens. These are a great way for teens to get a taste of Twin Eagles before experiencing our full gap year programs.
Click here for more information about Twin Eagles Summer Camps.
Have more questions about the Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Gap Year Programs? Contact us!
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