Sacred Space
Barry Moses
A weekend, nature based journey of inner tracking for adults
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA
As a people, we are waking up to the priceless gifts that await us when we connect with the Sacred Space in life. Increased physical health & vitality, emotional maturity, mental clarity, flourishing relationships, and deep spiritual renewal are all just the tip of the iceberg of the benefits that come from authentic connection with Nature and the Sacred.

But how do we recognize authentic spiritual connection? How do we move through life's struggles on a personal and ancestral level? How do we move through the blocks that prevent us from experiencing the life that we dream of for ourselves, our community, and our Earth?
Join us for this rare opportunity to connect with Barry Moses from the Spokane Tribe as we answer these questions and enter into the inspiring teachings of a very real, practical, local, earth based spirituality.
Sacred Space will explore...
Ways of creating a deeper connection with nature and spirit.
Ways of creating more meaningful relationships within families & communities.
Personal & community rituals that strengthen a sense of the Sacred in all we do.
Now expanded and updated from previous year's offerings, this workshop will gracefully embrace new participants alongside taking returning participants deeper on the inner tracking journey. New content will be covered to fully engage both new and returning participants.

Barry Moses was raised between worlds, in the cities of Spokane and Seattle, Washington, as well as the Spokane Indian Reservation. He is an educator with a keen interest in spirituality, indigenous cultures, dream work, and personal insight. As a "cultural specialist" he has a very rare and powerful gift of bridging the modern with the native. His tribal name is "Sulustu", which literally translates from the Spokane Salish language as, "Where the Worlds Come Together". You can read Barry's blog here, and view his TED talk on Preserving Endangered Languages here.
Sacred Space - for adult participants - $275. Includes weekend workshop and accommodations.
Scholarships are available. Please click here for more information on scholarships
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