Winter Greetings from Twin Eagles Wilderness School!
We're writing today to share with you a very striking and inspirational thank you letter we received this summer from one of our long term students, Rose Richardson. We have mentored Rose for over five years now, and watched her grow through her teens. Now in her early 20's, she wrote:
"Perhaps I've been spoiled by Twin Eagles for I'm starting to understand now what's happened to me and I feel like I need to take a moment and thank you for helping to lead the way to where I am. For where I am is no longer locked inside. Thank you for creating a path from the indoors to the outdoors. What you're doing is not only amazing and inspiring it's changed who I am and the way I see things and it's changing the way children will be brought up in the world. This letter is my contract. I will make the world a better place by teaching through nature. Thank you for showing me how. I still need to learn a lot, so I hope you'll mentor me in that way."
Its letters like Rose's that confirm in no uncertain words that our work is changing lives, and indeed keeping people connected to not just nature, but to their deepest calling.
Nature connection has been proven to improve problem solving skills & cognitive development, heighten awareness, observational skills, & reasoning, raise self-confidence, lower stress, and increase health.
Here is how we have successfully fulfilled our vision in 2014:
- We have continued to grow our long term mentoring youth programs, including:
- Twin Eagles Community School - our weekly program for homeschoolers
- Twin Eagles Monthly Youth Programs - in Sandpoint and Spokane
- Forest Children - our monthly program for preschoolers
- Twin Eagles Seasonal Teen Rendezvous - our teen overnight weekend programs
- Twin Eagles Summer Camps - 2014 saw our biggest year yet with 200 youth!!
- We have cultivated our adult programs, including:
- Our nine month long transformational Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Program
- Our nine month long Twin Eagles Depth Mentoring Apprenticeship, for adults yearning to be trained as powerful, visionary nature based mentors and leaders
- Our Adult Workshops, including the Art of Mentoring, Sacred Space, and Earth Based Mentoring
- Twin Eagles Consulting, our one on one mentoring/coaching service
- We have also nurtured our vision through Community Events, impacting our local and regional communities, including:
- Girl's and Boy's Rites of Passage
- Instructing at the Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence and Rabbitstick Rendezvous
- Custom Programs facilitating deep nature connection for the Sandpoint Waldorf School and Selle Valley Carden School
We're so pleased to see the Twin Eagles' vision grow through our alumni and students as well, who are leading their own deep nature connection mentoring programs including:
- Daniel Kirchhof at Hawthorne Farms in Woodinville, Washington
- Daniella Roze at Thriving Roots Wilderness School in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Qwalen Berntsen at Thriving Earth School in northern California
- Dave Verhulst at Nature's Tracks Forest Play in Canmore, Alberta, Canada
- Chris Newhouse, Sam Mascari, and Amory Anderson at Montana Roots in Livingston, Montana
Wow! We are so grateful that our work has been able to have such a positive and powerful impact. This important work would not have been possible without scholarships.
Last year we gave out a total of $16,605 in scholarships to students of all ages. We hope to be able to do that again in the coming year but we won't be able to do it without support from you, our community.
Please make a generous donation today to the Twin Eagles Scholarship Fund, enabling us to continue to offer deep nature connection mentoring to even more youth and adults in 2015!
Our goal is to raise $20,000 for our scholarship fund in order to ensure that everyone who wants to participate at our programs is able to, regardless of their financial situation.
You can make secure, online donations here:

You can also mail checks or money orders to us at:
Twin Eagles Wilderness School
433 Cedar Springs
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Thank you in advance for making a donation today! We depend on your support to keep our work alive, which in turn guides people to be fully alive!
In wildness,

Jeannine Tidwell & Tim Corcoran
co-Founders & co-Directors
Twin Eagles Wilderness School
Header photo courtesy Joseph Rocchio Photography