Last Chance! Free Call on Deep Nature Connection

Hey Folks, a final reminder here that our free conference call on Deep Nature Connection will be happening this coming Sunday, October 4 at 3pm Pacific.
We'll be covering a bunch of great topics, including lessons gleaned from 15 years of facilitating the deep nature connection mentoring journey for adults and youth, inspirational stories, and practical teachings that you can put to use right away.
We'll also be speaking about our upcoming Deep Nature Connection Weekend Series for adults, including time for Q & A, as well as a special discount for the program available to everyone on the call. The call will be recorded in case you can't make it, but you'll need to register in order to listen to the call one way or the other.
The Twin Eagles Deep Nature Connection Weekend Series for adults is a one weekend per month program running from October through June that provides adults a rich opportunity to immerse themselves in the teachings of the Earth. Wilderness survival, wildlife tracking, wild edible & medicinal plants, naturalist training, bird language, nature based mentoring, and inner tracking become pathways to a transformational journey of deep connection with nature, community, & self.
Here are some important factors to consider:
- This is a great way for busy parents, educators, nature lovers, and others to build a deep relationship with nature, resilient community connections, and a powerful depth of self awareness that will lead to a life lived to the fullest!
- If you have been yearning to experience the Twin Eagles Wilderness Immersion Program, but haven't been able to commit that amount of time, then consider this program. It is like a mini version of our Wilderness Immersion Program, and it may just be the perfect fit.
- This program will most likely be offered this year only. We're currently planning on focusing on other programs next year and into the future, so get in while you can!
- We've done everything we can to make this as accessible as possible to you, including offering the program on weekends, keeping the price as low as we're able, offering scholarships, offering further discounts (if you're on the free call!), and offering a monthly payment plan.
- If you're feeling interested and connected, we encourage you to go for it! Join us on the free call, and join us for this transformational journey of deep nature connection mentoring this year! You'll be glad you did!
Thanks for reading folks, and we hope to talk with you on the call!
Tim Corcoran
co-Director & co-Founder
Twin Eagles Wilderness School
Header photo courtesy Joseph Rocchio Photography