Twin Eagles Mother Daughter Program

Dear Mothers,
The bond between mothers and daughters is one of the most important relationships that we have. The more a daughter knows about the details of her mother's life and the more a mother can hold her daughter's potential, beauty and gifts, the stronger the bond between them.
At times, the mother daughter relationship can be sensitive and complex. It's that empathic sensitivity and complexity that needs support and a container to strengthen and deepen the bond.
The Twin Eagles Mother Daughter Program is the opportunity to deepen and cultivate a unique experience of inner beauty between you and your daughter. This is a rare and unique chance to step out of your ordinary life and step into a rich and meaningful experience with your daughter that will last impact her well into your future together.
We'll steep in rituals that recognize your bond and shared growth together, celebrate the blossoming of your daughter and the empowerment of your strength as a mother, and honor the mysteries ahead.
I hope you and your daughter will join me for this extraordinary weekend happening March 29 - 31.
You can learn more about the Twin Eagles Mother Daughter Program here.
Jeannine Tidwell
co-Director & co-Founder
Twin Eagles Wilderness School