Wilderness Vision Quest
Do you hear the call of the wild beckoning your very soul?
Do you sense that you are so much more capable than you are currently expressing?
Do you yearn to connect deeply with your innate gifts and your authentic voice in order to truly serve the world and leave it better than you found it for future generations?
If so, then I invite you to consider joining us for what could just be one of the most influential and important events of your life. That may sound like hype, but most everyone who has experienced an authentic vision quest describes it in that way.

This will be a live, in-person, 10 day event held in the forested mountains of northern Idaho. It is a deep dive into the mysteries of both wild nature and wild Soul. This is a process that I, Tim, am leading with my brother and longtime vision quest guide Mark Tollefson.
You'll be held in a conscious mentoring culture as you prepare, quest and integrate a pinnacle transformational experience of connecting with your deepest life vision, the largest conversation you are capable of having with the world.
This is a timeless ceremonial process rooted in traditional earth-based wisdom, adapted for humans living today to facilitate the journey of ecological awakening and soul initiation.
We are facing wildly unprecedented times amidst a global pandemic, an economic recession, political & cultural upheaval, climate change, and incredible biodiversity loss. It's hard to know how to respond as we witness when so many of the systems, worldviews and mindsets of the past bringing great pain, suffering and destruction to our most precious Earth, countless human beings, and innumerable species across our planet.
Yet when I take the time to slow down, to really slow down and listen to something greater than myself, to that spark of the divine that is present every time I let go of the past and become fully present, this is the calling that I hear. To bring more people in touch with their deepest life vision through mentoring and immersion in wild nature.
Can you imagine taking 10 days to really slow down like this, in a community of like-minded souls? What calling would you hear from Soul if you really surrendered in this way? What vision from the sacred would touch your heart? How would your life be changed if you were initiated deeper into your ecological self, into your most authentic Soul-driven life?
My belief is that this is the greatest possible response we can have to the challenges of our time. I believe that many years from now, future generations will look back with awe as they wonder, "Who were the strong ones back then, the ones who took the time to slow down and really get clear about their deepest calling & and vision in life, in order to effect real change? Who were the ones that made a stand to make a difference?"
More than anything else, the Vision Quest is capable of initiating you into a truly Soul-driven life where you can make this kind of a difference.
If you feel drawn to this, then I hope you'll consider joining us for this Wilderness Vision Quest happening here in northern Idaho, September 23 - October 2, 2022.
You can learn more about our spring Wilderness Vision Quest by clicking here.
Thanks for reading. May your life be full with the blessings of vision!
Tim Corcoran
co-Founder, Twin Eagles Wilderness School
Founder, Purpose Mountain
P.S. - This event is hosted by Purpose Mountain, my other organization that I founded in 2018. I bring all the same passion and dedication to Purpose Mountain that I do to Twin Eagles!