Volunteer with
Twin Eagles Wilderness School

Volunteering at Twin Eagles Wilderness School is an opportunity for an immersive experience in deep nature connection within a culture of conscious mentoring. You'll experience a plethora of tools for connection with the land, yourself, and others that you'll be able to take home and put into practice.
Our vision weaves together the timeless wisdom of our indigenous and earth based elders and mentors along with current best practices experiential outdoor education. This all combines into powerful and transformative community building, self-discovery, and sense of place that truly serves the world. We'll show you how this can be done so that you'll return home with a strong set of practices and a felt sense in your body of authentic deep nature connection mentoring.
Welcome here! In our increasingly disconnected, technological world, our work is like medicine to the soul. Coming to volunteer is a chance to meet like-minded people who care about nature, enjoy community, and have a passion for self-awareness. You'll get to be a part of our community we've built over the past 20 years, see the living results of the nurturing power of deep nature connection alongside the wisdom of wisdom of mentoring relationships that together create the kind of people needed for a healthy, vibrant planet.
- Michelle DeRoetth

At Twin Eagles we're committed to not just serving, but deeply nurturing our volunteers to draw out your very best qualities from within as you embark on this journey of discovering new aspects of yourself moving forward on the path of life.
This is an opportunity for you to experience working with children, staff, parents, and elders in a healthy and thriving nature based community setting. Being witness to the younger generations learning the values of nature ignites a deep sense of hope in our volunteers.
Year after year our volunteers report having a transformative experience that exceeds their expectations, boosting leadership, confidence, curiosity, gratitude, and vision. Volunteering at Twin Eagles is an opportunity for immense personal growth and is truly a catalyst for your journey towards realizing and actualizing your full potential in service to nature and future generations. Come join us!
The mentoring I received instantly became an integral part of who I am as a woman, taking me to my personal growth edge. I deeply cherish the opportunity to be a part of a program that is so essential to this generation of youth. I'm also excited to have these skills and experiences for guiding my work as a mother.”
- Amiste Sanders

Benefits of Volunteering at Twin Eagles Wilderness School:
- Professional Training as a Deep Nature Connection Mentor
- Transformational Personal Growth & Self Discovery
- Learn new Wilderness Skills
- Network with Other Nature Based Mentors
- Develop a Powerful Sense of Place
- Support a Worthy Cause
- Steep in Indigenous Wisdom
- Become an Agent of Cultural Change
- Experience Authentic Nature Based Community
- Develop Passion, Purpose, Gratitude, Confidence, and Leadership.
- Actualize Your Fullest Potential
- Have Tons of Fun!
- Experience a Truly Inspiration Vision of Hope!
The impact I feel I've made on the community as a volunteer staff will never leave me. I not only learned the basics of wilderness survival, but I've learned how to inspire others through full wilderness immersion, how to teach important concepts through storytelling, and how to truly connect with the natural world by experiencing the value and wisdom that it holds at every turn. My experience with Twin Eagles has inspired me to discover how to use what I've learned to make a difference in my own community.”
- Kayton Gomez

Volunteer Assistant Instructors at Twin Eagles Summer Camps
Summer Camp Volunteer Assistant Instructors receive professional training and experience as a deep nature connection mentor while volunteering as an assistant instructor at our day and/or overnight summer camps for youth ages 6 - 18. Volunteers choose at least one week long summer camp to be a part of, and receive a free Twin Eagles Wilderness School t-shirt and other benefits! There is potential for future opportunities at Twin Eagles Wilderness School after the summer camp season.
Volunteer Assistant Instructors are involved with the core aspects of our camps, including mentoring campers, being present and contributing to planning and debrief meetings, and caretaking the land. Volunteer Assistant Instructors report to our Lead Instructors and Camp Directors. This position is full time during the weeks one is signs up for. Minimum age 18 years old.
Click here for the Volunteer Assistant Instructor at 2025 Summer Camps Description.
Volunteer Assistant Instructors at Twin Eagles School Year Youth Programs
School Year Youth Program Volunteers receive professional training and experience as a deep nature connection mentor while volunteering as an assistant instructor at our school youth programs that run from September - May. We have a variety of youth programs including one time day long programs, as well as programs that meet once per month and once per week. Volunteers choose at least one program to be a part of, and receive a free Twin Eagles Wilderness School t-shirt and other benefits! Minimum age 18 year old.
Attention Parents! Become a Parent Volunteer Assistant Instructor at Twin Eagles
Parents, are you interested in volunteering at Twin Eagles as an assistant instructor? Volunteering with Twin Eagles is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the magic that is Twin Eagles, and also have some fun! As a Parent Volunteer Assistant Instructor, you'll get to step into the community aspects of raising kids, seeing firsthand how "It takes a village to raise a child". You will get to be a part of our collaborative staff team, including receiving training in nature connection, leadership, and mentoring.
This will help you bring some of the potency of the Twin Eagles culture into your own family and your role as a parent and community member. You'll get to be a witness and contributor in the weaving of a powerful learning experience for your child/children. As a parent, you bring an important perspective that benefits the camaraderie and powerful unity, compassion and understanding to our staff. This is a great opportunity to recharge in a natural setting and remember the joys and timelessness of childhood close to nature.
Parent Volunteer Assistant Instructors receive professional training and experience as a deep nature connection mentor while volunteering as an assistant instructor at any of our youth programs for kids ages 6 - 18, including any of our summer camps. Parents choose at least one program to be a part of, and receive 50% off the tuition of any children attending that program, priority placement of their kids into our programs (including our very popular summer camps), a free Twin Eagles Wilderness School t-shirt, and other benefits! There is potential for future opportunities at Twin Eagles Wilderness School afterwards.
-Lisa Bowman-Trefts
-Nicole Hendrickson
-Nick Hendrickson
To Apply
Volunteer Applications are currently being accepted. To apply, first read through the description for the position you are interested in (links above), then follow the instructions located at the bottom of that document. We will review your information, and if you are a great fit we will contact you to schedule an interview and take the next steps.

Under 18? Become an MIT (Mentor-In-Training)
If you're between the ages of 14 - 18 and interested in mentoring kids on the journey of nature connection, we have a teen Mentor-In-Training program designed just for you! It gives you the chance to develop yourself as a leader as you give back to the next generation. Click here for more info on our teen Mentoring-In-Training program.
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