Wildlife Tracking Class
The Art of Trailing
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA
Adults 18+

Our wildlife tracking class gives you the opportunity to study the art of trailing in one of the northwest's finest tracking environments, the wilderness of north Idaho!
- !Ngate Xgamxebe, traditional San Bushman
During this weekend, you'll discover how tracking is the original, multi-disciplinary, and multi-sensory way in which human beings have evolved to observe patterns and make sense out of the world.
This class will focus on the fundamental skills for following a fresh trail with the intention of catching up to the animal. We will learn first-hand, from the animals, through the act of trailing them. We'll spend time learning:
- Finding a Trail to Follow
- Noticing Tracks in Diverse Substrates
- Predicting the Animal's Route of Travel
- Seeing Tracks Ahead in the Distance
- Interpreting Animal Behavior on the Trail
- Track Aging Methods
- How to Systematically Relocate a Trail After Losing It
- Reading Wind Currents
- Moving Quietly in the Bush
- Spotting Animals Before They See You
Participants will learn a collection of skills for furthering their own naturalist and tracking studies, along with exciting, timeless experiences of trailing animals across the landscape.
Every participant will have multiple opportunities to be on point and lead tracker. Furthermore, while following the lead tracker, the other participants and instructor will have time to discuss other aspects of finding and getting close to animals. Our focus species will include elk, deer, bear, and possibly moose, wolf, and cougar.
In the end you'll feel deeply alive in body and senses, as you discover that the landscape is the greatest book ever written, with a constant stream of stories and mysteries just waiting to be unraveled.

- Jim Corbett
Your Guide

Instructor Preston Taylor is a Senior Tracker and Trailing Evaluator for CyberTracker Conservation, and a Biologist for the Yurok Tribe Wildlife Department. Preston is a seasoned bowyer and hunter, using his own handmade primitive wooden longbows. Author of Tracking the American Black Bear, he has spent the past 20 years learning from and interacting with our wild animal neighbors.
Accommodations are not included. This wildlife tracking class will take place in the wilderness of north Idaho near Sandpoint. Our specific location will be determined just before the event to ensure a high quality tracking experience. Participants are welcome to camp at the same location as the class instructor, or a different campground. Participants may also stay at home (if local), or stay in a hotel in town.
Each person is responsible for all travel to and from the program location. Carpooling is encouraged and we're happy to help coordinate by sharing contact information of people interested in doing so.
Group Size
To support a meaningful mentoring experience, we're limiting registration to just six people.
This wildlife tracking class starts daily at 7:00 am. Days will end between 5:00 and 9:00 pm to ensure that all participants have plenty of opportunity on the trail.
Participants are responsible for all of their own meals. Please bring a sack lunch that can be eaten on the trail each day. Saturday night we'll share in a community potluck, so bring a dish to share. Bring all your own meals.
We are offering this class at $350. The cost is all inclusive.
To Register
Registration is not yet open for this workshop.
Have more questions about this workshop? Feel free to contact us.
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