Women's Retreat
An invitation to Wholeness
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA

We ache to be who we really are. We are in unpredictable, tumultuous times where we are being summoned to live with the risk of fulfilling that becoming as we embrace our calling, and thus discover how to live into new "response-abilities." This Women's Retreat is a refreshing opportunity to make time and space for exploring the crucible and transformation of the world wholeheartedly, through the eyes of celebration, joy, and the revitalizing of who we truly are.
As a world we've been searching for higher ground, something solid, something that feels normal again. This retreat is the opportunity to have time and space with what's in between returning back to "normal" and catastrophe/disaster. And to know the in between as higher ground.
Stirred by the calling and rhythms of nature, this is an opportunity to step outside of ordinary time into liminal time. This is a space where you can receive the support of a deeper and different way of listening and understanding that becoming in the midst of impermanence as an offering to the world's discomfort, and as a gift given to stepping up to the challenge of the times.
When we sit in nature we are given the extraordinary gift of experiencing our true nature through hearing the wise and hidden places within ourselves. A deeper peace is etched onto the soul's tablet. That peace of soul shows itself when we sit at the edge of our own integrity in nature, naming our truth and speaking it to the place we're in and with the company of others holding space for it.
We will make sanctuary together. Through myths and storytelling, counsel and exploring practices together we will move and dance with the ideas and questions of home, belonging, balance, trust, and peace, to name a few. We'll explore questions such as: "How do I allow myself to fall apart? Where do I make refuge when things fall apart around me? Is there a difference or similarity between them? Where am I at in my life and is there an ending or a beginning in the place where I stand? What might prevent me from the crossing of those thresholds? What gifts would enable me to do it?"

The Power of The Collective
Being in a circle with other women in a container of support is something we don't always get in our everyday lives. Stepping into that circle produces a power that permeates our experience with discovery and energy, fueling us and blessing us with trust and courage for life's journey.
In this retreat you'll experience such things as:
- Exploring your innate creativity through art and movement
- Mythic storytelling as metaphor; emulating your experience
- Renewing your purpose and passion for living life to the fullest
- Engaging in deepening conversations that enlarge the scale and perspective of your life
- Participate in small group exercises and council to help mirror the diversity in yourself
- Time to commune with nature and ritual to amplify the container of your experience
- Support for integrating and incorporating your experience back into your daily life
- Compelling questions for self-reflection that lead to examining assumptions, assessing personal values and thus gaining learning for the development of new ideas for your journey forward
Your Guide

Jeannine Tidwell is first and foremost a mother. This role has stretched her beyond what she thought possible. She has been mentoring people of all ages for over two decades. She leads programs and offers coaching to people in mentoring, leadership, personal growth and vision. She offers programs for girls and young women in Rites of Passage.
This program will be held at JDK Ranch in Spokane, Washington. JDK Ranch is a beautiful location that encompassed 50 acres, located about 30 minutes south of Spokane, Washington in the small town of Valleyford. The land includes mature forests with old growth douglas firs, wildflower filled meadows, access to Spangle Creek, and a camas butte. Activities will take place outdoors and indoors, including access to our spacious, rustic lodge and a large traditional tipi. Outdoor camping is provided as part of this experience. Come to experience the peace of this sacred place that allows for both rejuvenation and deep connection with others.
Each person is responsible for all travel to and from the program location. Carpooling is encouraged and we're happy to help coordinate by sharing contact information of people interested in doing so.
Group Size
To support a powerful experience, we've limited registration to eighteen people.
This retreat begins at 10:00 am Pacific on Friday and ends approximately 3:00 pm on Sunday. Please allow adequate time for arrival and departure.
We are offering this retreat at $525. The cost covers all materials, accommodations and delicious, healthy meals. Scholarships are available for this program - click here for more information.
To Register
Registration for this Women's Retreat is not currently open.
If you have questions, Contact us here.
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